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Virtual Private Networks Help Keep Your Business's Data Safe On The Open Internet

Even the smallest of modern companies use networks that are both heterogeneous and dispersed. Business networks are composed of multiple services spread over many servers in diverse locations. I’m a writer, so you’d think I could make do without much of a network, but when I add up all the services I use to run my small business, I find that I rely on an extensive network of personal computers, mobile devices, backup servers, file servers, cloud storage servers, virtual private servers, SaaS applications, web hosting servers, and email services; hosted in the cloud, in my home, and on traditional hosting; and distributed all over Europe and the US. Small and medium businesses have a more extensive mix of servers and services, and enterprise business networks are a truly staggering mix of different components — all of which have to communicate with each other reliably and securely. And there’s the rub. Diverse networks are essential to the functioning of a modern business, but as the nodes of those networks communicate, sensitive data is sent across the Internet. It’s almost trivially easy for someone with a bit of know-how to intercept that data. Even a tiny business may upload information that could do serious damage if it fell into the wrong hands. Virtual private networks are the solution. A virtual private network allows businesses to create a connection to the outside world that is as secure as the connections behind their own firewall — more secure in the case of many businesses. If you’re using cloud servers and hosted services to which you transmit sensitive data, a VPN is an essential business tool. Virtual private networks use cryptographic technology to obscure the content of any data sent between a company’s private network and the outside world. All data is encrypted at its point of origin, using technology similar to that which eCommerce stores use to keep their data private. The encrypted data cannot be read even if it is intercepted. This allows for the creation of an encrypted tunnel between your networks and those of a VPN provider like Cartika. With the Cartika VPN, all communication sent between your private network and dedicated servers, public cloud servers, and private cloud instances on the Cartika network are protected by our managed Juniper hardware VPNs and is out of the reach of attackers. The cloud is secure as any other form of hosting, which is to say it is as secure as it is built to be: at Cartika we pride ourselves on having built a bullet proof cloud platform. But we have no control over data as it travels from your network to ours. Cartika’s virtual private network offerings ensure that your data is as secure as it travels over the net as it is inside our network. Image: Flickr/FutUndBeidl

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